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Title of Resource: Icebreakers and Teambuilder, Body English Activity


Target Audience: Educators


Description of Resource: There is such a variety of icebreaker activities for all kinds of situations making it difficult to find the perfect activity for a specific demographic.  While researching icebreaker activities for high school students online, I came across a compilation of icebreaker and teambuilding activities from anonymous individuals and sources.  Although I was hesitant at first by the lack of a citation, after reading through the activities, I found, "Body English". I loved the overarching concept so much; I just had to use it!


Appropriateness for High School Students: This icebreaker activity is appropriate for students of all ages as it can be simplified or enhanced depending on different age groups.  This particular icebreaker I do believe, is age appropriate for high school students as creating words with your body is not an easy task.  Younger students usually focus on creating specific letters with their bodies, not complete words.  By asking students to embody entire words as a group, adds a whole new element to the "basic" icebreaker activity.


Use of Resource in Classroom/Ways to Implement this Resource in my Classroom:  I would implement this activity as is written in the pdf.

Below is the "Body English" Activity from the PDF:

BODY ENGLISH: Split the group into two groups. Each group must plan and spell out the words by using their bodies (no hand signals or signs). The other group must figure out what they are spelling. Start with single words and move into phrases, as the groups are better at spelling. 


Strengths of Resource as a Teaching Tool (Purpose, Value, Uniqueness, Positive Aspects):

I chose the activity "Body English", versus some of the other activities I mention below, because I wanted an activity that required students to speak with their bodies as well as an activity that would likely be unfamiliar to students and encouraged them to build trust among their peers.  The activity description is a bit vague as to what students could specifically do with their bodies.  If I were to use this activity as an icebreaker, I would ask students to embody a word that describes something they all have in common.  I think that encourages students to talk about themselves within a group about likes and dislikes as well as create discussion amongst students who may or may not know each other already.  This activity creates a safe, welcoming environment where students can feel comfortable contributing to the group without pressuring them to stay on a specific topic or have anything to do with the class.  I also really like that the activity is a "group effort" which in a positive way establishes a connection between the students and commonality amongst the group.  My purpose would be focused on students getting to know each other and developing a "safe space" in the classroom.


Possible Modifications to Resource (Weaknesses, Limitations, Supplemental Resources):

Another modification that I made to this activity is that, once students have decided on what word they will be embodying, they may draw inspiration from the, Pilobolus: Human Alphabet Posters, that I will have posted around the room.  The image to the left is of an amazing dance company known as, Pilobolus, and the photograph was created by John Kane for the book, "Piloblus Dance Theatre becomes the Human Alphabet" Book.  I think that this poster visual would inspire students to think outside of the box when disigning letters with their bodies as well as guide them through examples of how they can manipulate their bodies to emulate specific letters.


Ways to Access Resource:

Body English Activity:

1. Click on the TeamWork Photo (shown on top-left of webpage).

2. Click on the link below under Resource Citation


Pilobolus Human Alphabet Photo:

1. Click on the Pilobolus Human Alphabet Photo (shown on left-side of webpage).

2. Click on the link below under Resource Citation


Resource Citation:

Icebreakers and Teambuilder: Body English. Retrieved from


Spooky. (2010). Pilobolus dance theatre becomes human alphabet. Retrieved from



Other Dance Related Icebreaker & Teambuilding Activities to Consider within PDF:

1. Human Knot (PG 2 of PDF)

This activity enhances teambuilding skills as well as trust-building skills.  By having students create one knot.  Some of the main concepts students are exploring include, but are not limited to: body movement, human connection, teamwork, and trust amongst the group, critical thinking and problem solving skills.


2. Stand-Ups (PG 3 of PDF)

This activity enhances teambuilding skills as well as trust-building skills.  By having students work in pairs and gradually increase these pairings into small groups, large groups, and potentially an entire class.  Students are working together by using their partners body resistance to stand up.  


3. People to People/Anatomy Shuffle (PG 7 of PDF)

This activity encourages students to identify and remember specific anatomical parts of their body as well as create a human connection with those anatomical body parts by connecting specific body parts of their choice to their partner.  This activity is an educationally, fun activity that can be manipulated in a variety of ways.  I think that this activity would also be a great way to assess or review for an upcoming assessment about anatomical body parts with students. The activity incorporates movement as well as quick cognitive responses, making it, in my opinion, a great activity all around.

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"Pilobolus Human Alphabet" PHOTO

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"Icebreakers and Teambuilders" PDF

Body English - Icebreaker

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